Writing a meaningful discussion is a challenging task. It's no surprise that a great number of authors fail at writing endings for their papers that really reflect the importance of their research.
In this course your will learn to write the content of a great discussion, and to organize it so that the importance of their research becomes evident for everyone.
This Course includes:
+4 Video-Lessons
+Course Evaluation
+ Language and structure review of your research question-answer combination
+Slides of all Video-lessonsin PDF format
+A collection of model papers with PERFECT Discussions
+ FREE Access to the micro-courses:
1.- "¿Cómo elegir una revista científica para mi artículo científico?" - Includes Certificate
2.- "Del primer borrador a la publicación de mi artículocientífico-Consejos prácticos"- Includes Certificate
+ FREE templates for writing the Perfect Discussion of hypothesis-testing papers, methods papers, and descriptive papers
+ Course certificate (4 hours)
+Extended course access (3 weeks)
1 |
01.- What is the real purpose of the Discussion?
9/5/2020 - 9/27/2020
2 |
02. Writing the best Beginning and the best Ending for your Discussion.
9/7/2020 - 9/27/2020
3 |
03. The ideal content of hypothesis-testing papers.
9/9/2020 - 9/27/2020
4 |
04. The ideal content of descriptive papers and methodological papers
9/11/2020 - 9/27/2020
5 |
Course Evaluation
6 |
9/11/2020 - 9/27/2020
7 |
Micro-curso: ¿Cómo elegir una revista para publicar mi artículo científico?
9/13/2020 - 9/27/2020
8 |
Micro-curso: Del primer borrador a la publicación de mi artículo científico: Consejos prácicos
9/13/2020 - 9/27/2020